If you look at button example #12, you will see the info box for the existing icon. Notice that the existing folder doesn't have a name and the ID number is, as is usual, different. Looking at the attributes it is plain that both have the preload option checked, so in this case, we don't need to alter these (this time). Preload means that if you eject the disk and this item isn't already loaded into memory, the Finder will read it off the disk and store it in RAM before it gives you the disk (that's one of the reasons why the Mac always fiddles with a disk before ejecting it). A resource that is purgeable is one that a program is told it's OK to discard (from RAM) if it's not being used and the program needs the memory the resource is taking up. OK... so now change the info dialog for the new icon to match that of the existing one (if you haven't done so already). A hint here: when you enter in the new ID number, do it last of all, and don't hit <TAB> or <RETURN>; just click in the go-away box. If you don't make your changes this way, ResEdit has an annoying habit of changing the number on you! Also, I don't know if blanking out the name for the icon makes any difference, but I do it anyway. As a general rule in ResEdit, I try to make all changes complete in all respects. I get fewer bombs that way. After you have closed up both info boxes for the two icons, click on the icon for the file cabinet and then choose Copy from the Edit menu.